Sunday, September 14, 2014

Guess what's coming? The Causeway....

Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Causeway

I've been looking out my window (and the window of my physical therapists) for the past several months now, watching this thing be created out in the water... and wondering if it could be the causeway starting.

Kuwait is full of hachi al fathi and  you never know what project is actually going to get off the ground.  Heck, I didn't even know/believe that Khiran city was down there until I actually went to see it.  However, I'm seeing this causeway go in with my very own eyes.

Here is what I see:  Progress!  (Amateur photo taken by serious amateur through dirty window, same time/day with 2 different colors.  Why??)

Now, just imagine flippin your Mitsubishi Gallant doing 200kms/hr flying over THAT thing!  Wooo hooo.  Makes "seafood" take on a totally different meaning.  Awesome.

More on the causeway HERE and HERE  and yo, again HERE.

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