Wednesday, September 28, 2005

“God has no mercy on one who has no mercy on others."

Ok, serious post. I am disgusted to the point of nausea over this one, so I have to share it, so that I'm not the only one.

I've seen 2 articles in the Arab Times over the past several days placed by the IVH. I am glad they brought it to the public's attention - so maybe something can be done about it in however a small way.

One of the 2 articles (and photos) on the first day was about "Murphy" - a medium sized white dog who was found (actually walked up to some people and seemed to ask for help) with no ears. Why didn't he have ears? Because they cut dogs ears off in preparation for dog fighting. Dog fighting is common in Kuwait and the authorities do nothing about it.

I use extreme caution whenever I have Desert Dawg outside in Kuwait because dogs are often stolen and can be used to "train" dogs that are fighting. They tape the bait-dog's muzzle and allow the training fight dog to attack the defenseless animal; often gnawing on it until it dies of its wounds. It is then thrown out to die.

The second story I saw (again with photo) was about Schultz - what appeared to be a close-to-purebred German Shephard dog. Schultz was found running alone in the desert - with his eyes glued shut. This one actually made me vomit. I actually screamed at my desk in my office.

I got no sleep last night because I relayed the story to a Kuwaiti friend who told me that gluing a dogs eyes shut and leaving it to die in the desert is some form of black magic ritual. I've known people who have practiced magic and this form of cruelty must be satanic worship because I've never heard of anything so evil. (Pagan/witchcraft 'Threefold Law' states that anything that you do will be returned to you three times stronger. harm or manipulate another person through black magic or any form of evil, you will pay for it by having the evil return to you threefold. By the same token, whenever you do something positive or good (such as healing or helping spell), it will result in threefold good karma instantly returned to you.)

By the way, both of these dogs are beautiful and IVH has them up for adoption. I am going to see how much it costs to have them flown to a rescue league in another country because they deserve better than being here.

(I deleted this paragraph. I couldn't handle it.)

Sometimes the only sollace I can gather from these acts is that God will punish the demons (I wouldn't consider them human) who commit these acts of cruelty and hatred. Mutate their children. Cause them intollerable pain through sickness and extreme misfortune. Curse their future generations.

Obviously, the only religion these monsters have is devil worship. If they are committing these acts against animals - they are likely to do it to humans.


Unknown said...

That is really sad about the dogs. It happens in the USA as well, dogs being kidnapped and used as "practice dummies" for other dogs they are training to fight. It makes me sick.

Jewaira said...

Really sick. Really sick :(

Mark said...

very sad and depressing. i wish I hadn't read this post...

Stinni said...

I wish I hadn't read it either. I hope those dogs find good homes. I've seen 2 strays in my neighborhood recently. I tried approaching them but they ran off.

P.S. Might be a good time to turn on your anti-spam thingie - the word verification option.

Desert Girl said...

Sorry, didn't mean to make youse guys sick.

Stinni - I figured it out. Thanks. I hate getting spammed.

Got this response back from IVH:

Unfortunately removing ears and tails from dogs here
is being done for the dog fighting which is a huge problem. It is underground but big because they make so much money from it. We do not know yet who is doing the operations but we are trying to find out.

It would be wonderul if the dogs could find new homes in the States but we have to find the homes first. We have sent quite a lot to US over the last eighteen
months. The easiest and cheapest way is to find someone who is travelling to the area that the dog is going to and then they can go as excess baggage.

If you have any ideas on this, please let me know. Margaret Mcluskey

Unknown said...

If I was going home instead of just getting here recently I would so take one with me. I have a soft spot for animals.

Stinni said...

The IVH should hit up the foreign women leagues and publish something in their monthly newsletters. A lot of women in those leagues go home for the holidays in a few months.

secretdubai said...

Animal charity workers here have revealed that certain people have a custom of breeding dogs for fighting. They also inject them with steroids to build them up. And kick them out/dispose of them if they turn out to be no good.

As a result, when the shelter - which is desperate to rehome animals - gets a call from someone in accented English asking for an "alsatian or doberman type, big strong dog" they inform them that no such dog is available, even when it is.